( ! ) Warning: session_destroy(): Trying to destroy uninitialized session in /home/www/public_html/includes/GlobalFunctions.php on line 3575
Call Stack
10.0005261600{main}( )../api.php:0
21.03747933000ApiMain->execute( )../api.php:85
31.03747933432ApiMain->executeActionWithErrorHandling( )../ApiMain.php:367
41.03988285960ApiMain->executeAction( )../ApiMain.php:396
51.21338827848ApiLogout->execute( )../ApiMain.php:948
61.21428898152User->logout( )../ApiLogout.php:38
71.21428898384User->doLogout( )../User.php:3377
81.21498929240wfResetSessionID( )../User.php:3395
91.21498930440session_destroy ( )../GlobalFunctions.php:3575
MediaWiki API Result
You are looking at the HTML representation of the XML format.
HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.
Specify the format parameter to change the output format.
To see the non HTML representation of the XML format, set format=xml.
See the complete documentation, or API help for more information.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<api />