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=Weekly developments=
=Weekly developments=
*[  2020/2021 热带太平洋海温现象发展情况]
*[ 9-12月南极臭氧洞发展情况]
==ENSO monitoring and forecast ENSO监测及预报==
*[ 两极海冰变化情况]
*[  Current status of ocean temperature over the Equatorial Pacific] 热带太平洋海温现象发展情况
*[ 全国城市空气质量实时发布平台]
*[,the%20El%20Ni%C3%B1o-Southern%20Oscillation%2C%20or%20%E2%80%9CENSO%E2%80%9D%20for%20short. Explanation of the Oceanic Nino Index (ONI)]
*[ 北京空气质量实时监测]
*[ 环境空气质量指数(AQI)技术规定]
==Stratospheric ozone hole monitoring and forecast 平流层臭氧监测及预报==
*[ 中央气象台实时天气分析图]
*[ Current status of the Antarctic ozone hole ] 9-12月南极臭氧洞发展情况
*[ 韩国气象局中文网页。可以选“天气影像”“天气图”“分析天气图”读取最新地面天气图]
*[ 中国气象局气象卫星云图(风云二号)]
==Sea ice monitoring and forecast 海冰监测及预报==
*[ 日本葵花8号卫星云图]
*[ Current status of polar sea ice] 两极海冰变化情况
*[ 如何阅读地面天气图]
*[ 分析天气图图标释义]
==Weather monitoring and forecast 气象监测及预报==
*[ RAMSDIS Online 全球卫星云图数据库]
*[ CMA real-time weather analysis] 中央气象台实时天气分析图
*[ 美国宇航局森林火灾监测]
*[ Korean Weather Bureau weather analysis (in Korean, English, and Chinese)] 韩国气象局中文网页。可以选“分析天气图”读取最新地面天气图,选“陆地预测天气图”读取预报图
*[ CWB surface weather analysis] 中国台湾气象局地面分析天气图
*[ Japanese Meteorology Administration weather analysis] 日本气象厅地面分析天气图
*[ European Center weather forecast products] 欧洲气象中心气象预报产品
*[ US Navy weather forecast products] 美国海军数值天气预报产品
*[ A website with multiple weather forecast products] 一个汇集了全球主要气象预报模式产品的网站,可以参考对照不同模式结果
*[ How to read a weather map] 如何阅读地面天气图
*[ Weather symbols] 分析天气图图标释义
*[ RAMSDIS Online satellite image archive]  全球卫星云图数据库
*[ CMA Feng-yun satellites] 中国气象局气象卫星云图(风云二号)
*[ Himawari-8 satellite]  日本葵花8号卫星云图
*[ CMA tropical cyclone data center]  中国气象局热带气旋资料中心
*[ CMA tropical cyclone data center]  中国气象局热带气旋资料中心 实时台风检索叠图
*[ Joint Typhoon Warning Center]  联合台风预警中心。除了预报以外,还有历史台风路径数据可以下载
*[ Shenzhen Meteorology Bureau]  深圳市气象局
==Air quality monitoring and forecast 空气质量监测及预报==
*[ Real-time Chinese urban air quality]  全国城市空气质量实时发布平台
*[ Greater Bay Area air quality]  粤港澳区域空气质量实况发布平台
*[ Beijing Air Quality]  北京空气质量实时监测
*[ Chinese ambient air quality standards and index definition]  环境空气质量指数(AQI)技术规定
*[ SUSTech air quality forecast]  南方科技大学WRF-GC区域空气质量预报
*[ AIMA air quality forecast]  矮马空气质量预报
*[ Nanjing University air quality forecast]  南京大学全国区域空气质量预报
==Other environmental monitoring 其他生态环境监测==
*[ NASA wildfire monitoring] 美国宇航局森林火灾监测
=Ch 1 Earth system and the Atmosphere=
=Ch 1 Earth system and the Atmosphere=
*[ U.S.标准大气温压垂直剖面]
*[ U.S. Standard Atmosphere temperature and pressure profiles] 标准大气温压垂直剖面
*[ The Visible Paleo Earth Project] Spectacular visuals of the Earth's history. Highly recommended.
*[ The Visible Paleo Earth Project] Spectacular visuals of the Earth's history. Highly recommended.
*[ A journey through climate history] A great interactive timeline of Earth's climate history.
*[ A journey through climate history] A great interactive timeline of Earth's climate history.
*[  GSA地质年代表(英文)]
*[  GSA geological time periods (English)] 地质年代表(英文)
*[  地质年代地层表(中文)]
*[  Geological time periods (Chinese)] 地质年代地层表(中文)
*[  地质年代古气候及地质证据]
*[ ] 地质年代古气候及地质证据
*[ A timeline of life's evolution]
*[ A timeline of life's evolution]
*[  冰雪地球理论简介]
*[ ] 冰雪地球理论简介
*[ History of Oxygen 1] lecture slides from the book "How to build a habitable Planet"
*[ History of Oxygen 1] lecture slides from the book "How to build a habitable Planet"
*[ History of Oxygen 2] lecture slides from the book "How to build a habitable Planet"
*[ History of Oxygen 2] lecture slides from the book "How to build a habitable Planet"
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=Ch 2 Radiative transfer=
=Ch 2 Radiative transfer=
*[ The Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) NASA地球辐射收支卫星实验]
*[ The Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE)] NASA地球辐射收支卫星实验
*[ The Earth's Radiation Energy Balance Albedo]
*[ The Earth's Radiation Energy Balance Albedo]
*[ 全球反射率分布图]
*[ Map of global albedo] 全球反射率分布图
*[ MODTRAN:] A model simulator for terrestrial infrared radiation
*[ MODTRAN]: A model simulator for terrestrial infrared radiation
*[ RRTM Earth's Energy Budget]: A simple simulator for Earth's energy budget, with clouds and aerosols!
*[ Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES)] radiometric measurements of the Earth's atmosphere from three broadband channels
*[ Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES)] radiometric measurements of the Earth's atmosphere from three broadband channels
*[ 瑞利散射及米散射比较]
*[ Comparison of Reyleigh scattering and Mie scattering] 瑞利散射及米散射比较
*[ 各种大气光学现象图片]
*[ Pictures of various optical phenomenon in the atmosphere] 各种大气光学现象图片
*[ 各种大气光学现象介绍及图片]
*[ Pictures and descriptions of various optical phenomenon in the atmosphere] 各种大气光学现象介绍及图片
=Ch 3 Atmospheric thermodynamics=
=Ch 3 Atmospheric thermodynamics=
*[ 天气图标释义]
*[ Weather map symbols] 天气图标释义
*[ 天气图释义]
*[ Weather maps] 天气图释义
*[ Clausius-Clayperon公式推导]
*[ Derivation of the Clausius-Clayperon equation] Clausius-Clayperon 公式推导
*[ 干、湿气块上升模拟]
*[ Simulation of the vertical motions of dry and wet air parcels] 干、湿气块上升模拟
*[ 全球探空资料]
*[ Global sounding data] 全球探空资料
*[ 斜温图介绍]
*[ Explanation of the skew-T diagram] 斜温图介绍
*[ MIT Radiative-convective model] MIT辐射对流柱模型,可线上运行
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*[  日本葵花8号卫星图像动画]
*[  日本葵花8号卫星图像动画]
*[ 大气Rossby波动画]
*[ 大气Rossby波动画]
*[ Atmospheric reanalysis: overview & comparison tables]
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*[ 中央气象台实时天气分析图]
*[ 中央气象台实时天气分析图]
*[ 韩国气象局中文网页。可以选“天气影像”“天气图”“分析天气图”读取最新地面天气图]
*[ 韩国气象局中文网页。可以选“天气影像”“天气图”“分析天气图”读取最新地面天气图]
*[ 这个网站有美国境内未分析的原始地面和高空观测图标,可以练习绘制分析图]
*[ 这个网站有全球范围未分析的原始地面和高空观测图标,可以练习绘制分析图]
*[ Unisys Weather预报图集]
*[ Unisys Weather预报图集]
*[ Lorenz (1963) 'Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow'原文]
*[ Lorenz (1963) 'Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow'原文]
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*[ 美国国家气象局对热带气象的科普介绍]
*[ 美国国家气象局对热带气象的科普介绍]
*[ 中央气象台 台风网]
*[ 中央气象台 台风网]
*[ 中国气象局热带气旋资料中心]
*[ 香港天文台热带气旋网页]
*[ 香港天文台热带气旋网页]
*[ 美国NOAA联合台风预警中心]
*[ 美国NOAA联合台风预警中心]
*[ NASA TRMM卫星网页]
*[ NASA TRMM卫星网页]
*[ Hurricane simulator]: a thermodynamic model of hurricanes
=Ch 11 Climate data analysis=
=Ch 11 Climate data analysis=
*[ Atmospheric reanalysis: overview & comparison tables]
*[ Data Analysis with Python at University of Hawaii]. This is an extremely useful data analysis course developed by the Oceanography Department at University of Hawaii. The [ python tutorials] to some of the most frequently used analysis techniques are especially recommended.
*[ Data Analysis with Python at University of Hawaii]. This is an extremely useful data analysis course developed by the Oceanography Department at University of Hawaii. The [ python tutorials] to some of the most frequently used analysis techniques are especially recommended.
*[ NOAA ESRL PSD interactive plotting and analysis page]
*[ NOAA ESRL PSD interactive plotting and analysis page]
*[ NOAA ESRL PSD gridded datasets]
*[ NOAA ESRL PSD gridded datasets]
*[ NOAA PSD 20th Century Reanalysis]
*[ NOAA PSD 20th Century Reanalysis]
*[,the%20El%20Ni%C3%B1o-Southern%20Oscillation%2C%20or%20%E2%80%9CENSO%E2%80%9D%20for%20short. Explanation of the Oceanic Nino Index (ONI)]
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=Ch 13 Climate system and climate change=
=Ch 13 Climate system and climate change=
*[ 中国气象数据网
*[ 中国气象数据网
*[ IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)第一工作组(WG1)报告全文]
*[ IPCC第五次评估报告(AR5)第一工作组(WG1)报告全文]
*[ IPCC第五次评估报告(AR5)第一工作组(WG1)报告全文]
*[ 厄尔尼诺对全球气候影响]
*[ 厄尔尼诺对全球气候影响]
*[ Climate timeseries browser]: A great collection of long-term climate timeseries from meteorological stations, forcings, paleoclimate records, and AR5 models.
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*[ 中国气象局气象卫星云图(风云二号)]
*[ 中国气象局气象卫星云图(风云二号)]
*[ 日本葵花8号卫星云图]
*[ 日本葵花8号卫星云图]
*[ 台湾中央气象局网页卫星云图(日本Hamawari8)]
*[ 台湾中央气象局网页卫星云图(日本Hamawari8)]
*[ RAMSDIS Online 全球卫星云图数据库]
*[ RAMSDIS Online 全球卫星云图数据库]
*[ 中国气象局全国雷达拼图]
*[ 中国气象局全国雷达拼图]

Latest revision as of 08:50, 12 September 2024

Weekly developments

ENSO monitoring and forecast ENSO监测及预报

Stratospheric ozone hole monitoring and forecast 平流层臭氧监测及预报

Sea ice monitoring and forecast 海冰监测及预报

Weather monitoring and forecast 气象监测及预报

Air quality monitoring and forecast 空气质量监测及预报

Other environmental monitoring 其他生态环境监测

Ch 1 Earth system and the Atmosphere

Ch 2 Radiative transfer

Ch 3 Atmospheric thermodynamics

Ch 4 Aerosols and atmospheric chemistry

Ch 5 Clouds and precipitation

Ch 6 Atmospheric boundary layer and turbulence

Ch 7 Atmospheric measurements

Ch 8 Atmospheric motion

Ch 9 Mid- and high-latitude weather

Ch 10 Severe weather, low-latitude weather

Ch 11 Climate data analysis

Ch 12 General circulation of the atmosphere

Ch 12 General circulation of the ocean

Ch 13 Climate system and climate change

Other topics

Weather analysis and forecasting

Planetary atmospheres

  • This page was last modified on 12 September 2024, at 08:50.
  • This page has been accessed 7,803 times.