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(Created page with "=课程大纲= ==授课教师== [ 傅宗玫] (;台州楼414) ==助教== 储瑶竹 (11849064@ma...")
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储瑶竹 (
*储瑶竹 (
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*AS:[ Atmospheric Science, An Introductory Survey], J. M. Wallace and P. V. Hobbs, Academic Press, ISBN:012732951X
*NN:[ Air Pollution Control Engineering, 3rd edition], Noel de Nevers, Waveland Press, ISBN:978-1478629054
*MT:[ Meteorology Today], C. D. Ahrens and R. Henson, Brooks Cole, ISBN:1305113586
*HJ:[ 大气污染控制工程(第三版)],郝吉明、马广大、王书肖主编,高等教育出版社,ISBN:978-7-04-028406-5
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# 期末考(70%~80%):2018年6月19日周二下午
# 期中考(一小时;20%):
# 平时成绩(20%~30%):作业每次约5个问题; 另有2个思考题,不计入分数。
# 期末考(50%~60%):时间待定
# 平时成绩(20%~30%):作业每次约4个问题。'''''作业在下次上课开始之前交。上课之后一律不收作业!'''''
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! 日期
! Week
! 主题
! Date
! 阅读
! Topics
! Reading
! Assignments
| 2/27
| 1
| 1. [  地球、大气及大气的演化]
| 2/21 (T)
| AS Ch1, Ch2
| [ Intro to atmos aerosols; Sources of aerosols]
| SP Ch2
| 3/6
| 1
| 2. [  辐射和地气系统的能量收支](作业第4题下次做)
| 2/24 (F)
| AS Ch4; MT Ch2, Ch3
| [ Aerosol sizes and spatiotemporal variation]
| SP Ch8.1, 8.2
| [[Aerosol Lab 1]]
(due March 10)
| 3/13
| 2
| 3. [  大气热力学和大气稳定度](作业含上次第4题)
| 3/3 (F)
| AS Ch3
| [ Aerosol chemical compositions and composition measurements]
| SP Ch8
| 3/20
| 3
| 4. [  大气气溶胶]
| 3/7 (T)
| AS Ch6; MT Ch10
| [ Dynamics of single particle]
| SP Ch9
| [[Aerosol Lab 2]]
(due March 21)
| 3/27
| 3
| 5. [  云和降水] ('云和降水'作业前2题)
| 3/10 (F)
| AS Ch6; MT Ch6, Ch8 [ 冰晶成长视频]
| [ Dynamics of aerosol populations]
| SP 13.3-13.A, 17.7
| [[Aerosol Lab 3]]
(due March 24)
| 4/3
| 4
| 6. [  云和降水] + [ 大气化学] (云和降水作业3-5题)
| 3/17 (F)
| AS Ch5; MT Ch17
| '''''出差调课'''''
| 4/10
| 5
| 7. [ 大气化学]
| 3/21 (T)
| AS Ch5; MT Ch17
| [ Thermodynamics of aerosols - basics]
| SP 10
| '''''4/14(周六)'''''
| '''''参观北京市气象局平谷基地'''''
| 4/17
| 5
| 8. [  大气边界层和大气湍流]
| 3/24 (F)
| AS Ch5
| [ Gas-particle conversion: Nucleation]
| SP 11; [ Kulmala, 2003]
| [[Aerosol Lab 4]]
| 4/24
| '''''6'''''
| 9. [ 大气运动的基本原理]
| '''''3/28 (T)(补课)'''''
| AS Ch7; MT Ch9, 10
| [ Gas-particle conversion: Condensational growth]
| 6
| 3/31 (F)
| [ Gas-particle conversion: Aqueous phase chemistry]
| 7
| 4/4 (T)
| '''''清明节停课'''''
| 7
| 4/7 (F)
| [ Organic aerosols]
| 5/1
| 8
| '''''劳动节'''''
| 4/14 (F)
| [ Aerosol hygroscopic growth]
| [ Petter and Kreidenweis (2007)]
| 5/8
| 9
| 10. [  锋面和气旋]
| 4/18 (T)
| AS Ch8; MT Ch12,13, 14
| [ Interactions of aerosols with radiation]
| [[Aerosol Lab 5]]
| 5/15
| 10
| 11. [ 雷暴、龙卷和台风] 同学们反应课件链接故障,现已更新。本周作业改至5/29与下一单元同时交。
| 4/25 (T)
| AS Ch8; MT Ch15, 16
| [ Aerosol modeling (1)]
| Jacobson Ch13
| 5/22
| 10
| 12. [  大气环流和大洋环流]
| 4/28 (F)
| AS Ch10; MT Ch10,17
| [ Aerosol modeling (2)]
| [[Aerosol Lab 6]]
| 5/29
| 11
| 13. [  气候系统和气候变化(1)]
| 5/2 (T)
| MT Ch17, Ch18
| '''''出差停课'''''
| 6/5
| 11
| 14. [  气候系统和气候变化(2)]、[  古气候及行星大气(注意本学期作业题目更新)]
| 5/5 (F)
| MT Ch 19
| '''''出差停课'''''
| 6/12
| 12
| 15. [ 大气探测](本章无作业)
| 5/12 (F)
| [ Aerosol measurement (1)]
| '''''6/16'''''
| 13
| '''''答疑(周六晚上18:00-19:00)@物理北539'''''
| 5/16 (T)
| '''''有具体问题最好能事先email,以便更充分准备材料'''''
| [ Aerosol measurement (2)]
| '''''6/19'''''
| 13
| '''''期末闭卷考试(周二下午14:00-16:00)@二教316'''''
| 5/19 (F)
| [ Aerosol-cloud interaction]
| [ AR5 WG1 Ch7]
[ AR5 WG1 Ch8]
[ AG5 WG1 Ch9]
| '''''6/22(周五)'''''
| 14
| '''''归还借出课本。未归还者,暂不提交学期成绩。'''''
| 5/26 (F)
| [ AEROCOM website]
| 15
| 5/30 (T)
| '''''端午节停课'''''
| 15
| 6/2 (F)
| Student presentations
| 16
| 6/9 (F)
| '''''期末考'''''
每次作业原则上在出题两周后交,逾时不收。部分作业可能需要编程计算或画图,同学可以自选编程工具。没有科学编程及绘图基础的同学,推荐学习使用[ Matlab]。[ Matlab基本使用方法见此]、 [ 及此]。
*[[Aerosol Lab 1]]
*[[Aerosol Lab 2]]
*[[Aerosol Lab 3]]
*[[Aerosol Lab 4]]
*[[Aerosol Lab 5]]
*[[Aerosol Lab 6]]

Revision as of 11:32, 12 February 2019



傅宗玫 (;台州楼414)


  • 储瑶竹 (
  • 2/26(周二)前发邮件给助教,主题:姓名+年级+专业+学号+手机号










  1. 期中考(一小时;20%):
  2. 期末考(50%~60%):时间待定
  3. 平时成绩(20%~30%):作业每次约4个问题。作业在下次上课开始之前交。上课之后一律不收作业!




Week Date Topics Reading Assignments
1 2/21 (T) Intro to atmos aerosols; Sources of aerosols SP Ch2
1 2/24 (F) Aerosol sizes and spatiotemporal variation SP Ch8.1, 8.2 Aerosol Lab 1

(due March 10)

2 3/3 (F) Aerosol chemical compositions and composition measurements SP Ch8
3 3/7 (T) Dynamics of single particle SP Ch9 Aerosol Lab 2

(due March 21)

3 3/10 (F) Dynamics of aerosol populations SP 13.3-13.A, 17.7 Aerosol Lab 3

(due March 24)

4 3/17 (F) 出差调课
5 3/21 (T) Thermodynamics of aerosols - basics SP 10
5 3/24 (F) Gas-particle conversion: Nucleation SP 11; Kulmala, 2003 Aerosol Lab 4
6 3/28 (T)(补课) Gas-particle conversion: Condensational growth
6 3/31 (F) Gas-particle conversion: Aqueous phase chemistry
7 4/4 (T) 清明节停课
7 4/7 (F) Organic aerosols
8 4/14 (F) Aerosol hygroscopic growth Petter and Kreidenweis (2007)
9 4/18 (T) Interactions of aerosols with radiation Aerosol Lab 5
10 4/25 (T) Aerosol modeling (1) Jacobson Ch13
10 4/28 (F) Aerosol modeling (2) Aerosol Lab 6
11 5/2 (T) 出差停课
11 5/5 (F) 出差停课
12 5/12 (F) Aerosol measurement (1)
13 5/16 (T) Aerosol measurement (2)
13 5/19 (F) Aerosol-cloud interaction AR5 WG1 Ch7

AR5 WG1 Ch8 AG5 WG1 Ch9

14 5/26 (F) AEROCOM AEROCOM website
15 5/30 (T) 端午节停课
15 6/2 (F) Student presentations
16 6/9 (F) 期末考

