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ESE315 Assignment 5

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Part 1 Surface weather map analysis

For this part, you will learn to identify the low pressure center, draw the isobars, and identify the cold front and the warm fronts on a surface weather map. I highly recommend that you go through these lecture notes developed by Dr Chuck Weidman at the University of Arizona on this topic. Thank you Dr Weidman! Notes: fronts Notes: surface weather map analysis example

Part 2 Relationship between surface and upper-level weather

For this part, we will use the surface and upper-level weather analysis maps from the Korean Meteorology Administration to follow the life cycle of one mid-latitude cyclone.

  1. Choose a 5-day period between Octoboer 27 and November 17. For each day, copy and paste the surface, 500 hPa, 300 hPa weather maps over East Asia at 00Z (every 24 hours) in sequence into an Word file.
    1. Each day, identify the locations of the surface low pressure system.
    2. Each day, mark the location of the surface low pressure center and the 500-hPa low or trough onto the 300 hPa weather map.
    3. Follow one surface low pressure system over the course of 5-days. Describe in words how the conditions in the upper levels helps the development of surface low pressure systems (keeping in mind the locations of the upper level troughs, the jet streams, upper level divergence at the exit region of the jet streams, etc).
  2. For the same 5-day period, copy and paste the 500-hPa weather maps with polar projections.
    1. Each day, identify the locations of the troughs with red lines, and the locations of the ridges with blue lines.
    2. Follow the movement of one large trough near East Asia over the course of 5 days. In which direction is the trough moving?