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Installing WRF-GC

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System Requirements

WRF-GC requires a set of compilers and libraries that are compatible with the WRF model and the GEOS-Chem High Performance model.

Recommended system setup (as tested):

  • Compiler: Intel 15. There is limited support for the PGI and gfortran compilers.
  • NetCDF-Fortran 4.4.4

It is recommended that you install all libraries in the same location (using the --prefix=/your/directory/here when calling the configure script).

For WRF to correctly find those libraries, you need to set the HDF5 & NETCDF environmental variables to point to the directory (which includes the bin, lib, include directories) where those libraries are installed.

For example, if you have used /your/directory/here below, you should be able to see bin, lib and include directories under this directory and point the necessary environmental variables to them:

   $ ls /your/directory/here
   bin  lib  share  include
   $ export HDF5="/your/directory/here"
   $ export NETCDF=$HDF5

You are also recommended to review the GEOS-Chem library installation guide.

Installing WRF-GC

After obtaining the WRF and WRF-GC code in the Downloading WRF-GC step, you will need to set up the compile environment as follows:

  • Set the environmental variables WRF_EM_CORE = 1, WRF_NMM_CORE = 0, and WRF_CHEM = 1 in your shell.
  • Configure WRF using the hybrid sigma-eta grid option using the configure script, setting the distributed-memory parallel (dmpar) version of WRF with the Intel C and Fortran compilers. There is limited support for PGI and gfortran compilers, but they are not recommended for this alpha build.
  • After configuration please navigate to the WRF-GC "chem" directory, and issue the following command: make install_registry. This step is critical and must be done manually before compilation.
  • Compile WRF-GC using the ./compile em_real command.

We recommend that you review the WRF User's Guide (v3.9) for additional installation information.

  • This page was last modified on 4 January 2019, at 08:28.
  • This page has been accessed 5,800 times.