Aoxing ZHANG
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
School of Physics, Peking University
Tel: (+86)-138-1004-3074
Education 教育背景
2008-2011 河北省沧州市第一中学 Cangzhou No.1 Middle School
2011- 北京大学物理学院 School of Physics, Peking University
Research interests 研究方向
- Atmoschem (Organic gases, organic aerosols, observation of organnic aerosols)
- Clinical psychology
- Arrangement of pop music
- Performance skills of Acappella
Successive Positions 历任职务
Vice-monitor, Class 2 of School of Physics, PKU, 2011, 2013-
Monitor, Class 2 of School of Physics, PKU, 2012.9-2013.1
Vice-chairman, Student Union of School of Physics, PKU, 2012-2013
Vice-monitor, Class 24 of Cangzhou No.1 Middle School, 2008-2011
Vice-monitor, Class 9 of Cangzhou No.14 Middle School, 2005-2008
Honors 获奖
Social Work Award, 2013, School of Physics, Peking Univ.
The Second Award, 2011, National Mathmatics League of Middle School Students in China
The Third Award, 2011, National Physics Compitition of Middle School Students in China
Papers 发表文章
张傲星. 浅谈排列组合中的分书问题[J]. 中学生数学: 高中版, 2010 (10): 47-48.